Vacation rental , South France rental

... Relax holiday accomodation in south west of France

Prices :

2 Bedrooms Gites
(Coquelicot, Lavande or
Grain d'Orge)
665€ per week
104€ to120€ per night*
832€ per week
1040€ per week
525€ per week
82€ to 99€ per night*
1160€ per month
3 Bedrooms Gite
865€ per week
136€ to159€ per night*
1080€ per week
1350€ per week
685€ per week
104€ to125€ per night*
1485€ per month
* minimum 2 nights
4 Bedrooms Gite
1075€ per week
170€ to197€ per night*
1320€ per week
1700€ per week
855€ per week
132€ to160€ per night*
1865€ per month
Bookings are from Saturday (5:00 PM) to Saturday (10:00 AM), but outside peak and high seasons mid-week and 2 days bookings may be possible. Discount applies for 2 weeks and more. Special Offer for Couple in low and mid season. Also Special offer for Groups needs Please email us to enquire.
DISCLAIMER: Prices are subject to change at our discretion without prior notification and will be posted here as soon as possible after any such change.